Exams for homeschoolers

When families are considering homeschooling, one of the common concerns is about exams for homeschoolers and how this works.

Rest assured that homeschoolers can sit exams as private candidates. Your child can take their IGCSE or A level courses with us but we advise you to locate your nearest exam centre before enrolling. Our Admissions Team can help with this by sending you a list of exam centres in your area. You will need to apply directly to the centre for your child to sit their exams. Unfortunately, we are unable to do that for you. The process is straightforward though and we recommend doing it early on.

Exam centre checklist

Our Exams Officers recommend that you check:

  • If the centre can help with Cambridge or Edexcel syllabus or both depending on their subjects
  • Which exam series can accommodate private students
  • For those taking Modern Foreign Languages, check this is available
  • For those taking A Level Computer Science check if the centre can help with the practical endorsement

You can find out more about exam arrangements on our website.

Many Exams for homeschoolers are taken in local schools as private candidates
Exams for homeschoolers are arranged as private candidates

It’s all about revision

Wolsey Hall offers plenty of support in the lead up to your child’s exams. We offer revision strategies to help homeschoolers feel confident in the subject they have been studying. Our Learning Support programmes include study skills and exam technique. These can be targeted to the individual student in a one-to-one session with our learning support team. We know there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to studying and revising, so these sessions can help students hone their skills.

We also offer the chance to practise some past papers in preparation for exams. These are available for a small additional fee.

Homeschoolers revision tips

We have supported thousands of students through their courses and onto their exams. Ex-Wolsey Hall student Joy-Anna delivers her top  revision tips for exams for homeschoolers in this light-hearted video.

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