Homeschooling and socialisation

Homeschooling and socialisation: why not to worry about your kids and their interpersonal relationships

It’s easy to understand why parents would jump to the conclusion that homeschooled children may be less integrated when it comes to socialisation. It’s a common concern and one that is not unfounded, but it’s important to remember that homeschooling does not equal isolation from the outside world.

There are various reasons that parents choose to homeschool their children. For you, that may include:

· Your child is not receiving a top-level education in their current school

· Your child has a learning difficulty and the general school system does not accommodate their special needs

· Your child is a budding performance artist or athlete, whose training schedule does not fit within regular school hours

· Your child is gifted and more advanced than children their age

· Your child is being bullied at their current school

· Your family is not based in one location – you travel a lot and need a flexible education solution

The list goes on…

Young girl homeschooling
Homeschoolers socialising

In many of the instances above, the reason for you choosing to homeschool your child has little to do with their ability to interact with others and more to do with providing the best education that suits their needs and lifestyle.

A substantial amount of studies and reports into homeschooling and socialisation have been conducted in recent years, many finding that homeschooled children are often better socialised than those attending mainstream school as their interaction is not limited to children of the same age, same level of education and same demographic. Due to the flexibility of their timetable, homeschooled children are often able to participate in more extra-curricular activities on a more regular basis.

A few recent testimonials from parents and students who are currently enrolled at Wolsey Hall Oxford attest to this. Apart from being extremely happy with the education and support as a whole, each note how integrated the programme is and how involvement goes beyond just tutor-student interaction.

Meera Balan, a student who has been homeschooling for four years, says, “A homeschooler. An image of a shy individual, who gets up at half past noon and studies in their PJs is what flashes before you. However, being a student at Wolsey Hall that stereotype is furthest from the truth. This institution equips students with not only stellar academic skills but holistically as well. It has supportive teachers who motivate and challenge students to strive for greatness. As well as a global peer group [that] introduces an individual to different perspectives and helps one build strong connections as they are taught understanding and compromise. With different digital avenues of communication such as WhatsApp or Instagram, a friend is always a click away. I became a homeschooler four years ago. Thoughts of worry consumed me as such an avenue of schooling is surrounded by taboos and information is held in secrecy. Though contact with a tutor may be digital, the teacher-student relationship is created and valued at Wolsey Hall, as they understand the important role it plays when a child is studying a subject. For me, my relationship with my tutors is something I value. They are remarkable individuals whose passion to teach brings topics to life. This dedication motivated me to work harder. My time at Wolsey Hall has come to an end but, [for] you, it can be the beginning. A place that lets you understand more about yourself as well as helps you broaden your academic skills.”

D. Adair, a parent whose child recently joined Wolsey Hall, says, “We Love Wolsey Hall’s Excellent Flexible Learning Program, for a number of reasons, including our recent decision to move overseas to another country. Due to being bullied by students and a few teachers, our son was having more downs than ups in traditional schooling. His grades dropped as well as his self-confidence. As I was a Head Teacher in a traditional school, removing him from his former school was not an initial plan for us; however, looking back now, we know that the very best decision had been made for him! We tried other homeschool programs but [they] were either too rigid or they did not allow freedom of religion. They were quite expensive and yet by comparison, did not offer the in-depth knowledge or well put together learning program that Wolsey Hall offers! Every family who makes the decision to register their child onto Wolsey Hall’s excellent flexible learning program will have peace of mind throughout their studies! Their staff team gives you a feel of security and trust! They are ready to assist with your child’s educational needs as well as parent queries, where and when they can via phone, email or video chat! ‘Wolsey’ even has a safe online students club where your child can meet other like-minded peers, play games, enter competitions, craft, [and more]! Wolsey Hall’s Excellent Flexible learning program really is everything they claim to be!”

A parent, whose child has been with Wolsey Hall for two years, says, “This is our second year with Wolsey Hall. My children and I are really pleased with every aspect of the school. All the lessons are well-organised and you know exactly what you should be doing. Children work in real books and assignments are submitted to real qualified teachers who give very detailed feedback. My children’s teachers have always been available to Skype or Zoom when my children needed extra support. Everything is overseen by a student progress manager who makes sure everyone is staying on track. There are even clubs that hold monthly meetings and share projects. My children loved seeing other Wolsey Hall students from around the world. In our country we have to have a portfolio review with the local education authority, they said they have seen a lot of different homeschool programs and this is one of the best and most rigorous they have seen.”

Homeschooling and socialisation – It’s a community effort

Learn more about our student communities and how your children are able to connect and interact with peers.

Homeschooler taking part in a club
Socialisation of homeschoolers

But don’t just take it from us…

Watch this short video explaining how homeschoolers socialise.  Stefania Bojica, is a 17-year-old, Romanian, travelling tennis player. She is currently studying IGCSEs through Wolsey Hall in the UAE.

Homeschooling and socialisation – a travelling family’s story

Read about the Binedell family’s experience of homeschooling and socialisation through the eyes of their three children who attended Wolsey Hall Oxford.

homeschooling and socialisation
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