Homeschooling gifted children

Justin’s story

Homeschooling gifted children with Wolsey Hall Oxford is made easier thanks to the flexibility of our courses. Ten-year-old Justin, who is homeschooling in Romania, is able to study at Year 8 and progress at a pace of learning that suits him.

“Justin is a gifted child. He was just two years old when he began to read, draw and play with numbers,” explains his mum, Ioana. Justin started his education at a private school in Romania and quickly learnt to speak English in that first year. “He loves Science, Maths and space but unfortunately his teachers asked me to stop him reading because he was so interested in knowing new things. He had such an ability and speed in learning that his teachers found it hard to believe he was able to produce such good work.”

gifted homeschooling student

Homeschooling gifted children with Wolsey Hall Oxford gives them the opportunity to learn and develop at a pace and depth that suits them.

By nine years old Justin was studying in Year 6 but sadly suffered bullying at school and became physically unable to attend. His mother began researching homeschooling and applied to Wolsey Hall Oxford. “I wanted to choose a traditional school with the right background because Justin needs experienced teachers,” says Ioana. “Wolsey Hall is the right place for us and the best choice for Justin, who just wanted to continue his studies. He learns whenever he wants and has the opportunity to choose which subjects he takes. His favourite is Science.”

In the future Justin wants to become an anaesthesiologist and later, a surgeon. He also likes to play piano and draw rockets: his dream is to launch a rocket to Venus one day.

Wolsey Hall Oxford welcomes gifted students. Our courses enable children to study at a level and pace dictated by their academic abilities, rather than their age.

Gymnast Amelie Morgan

Amelie’s story

a secondary student homeschooling in Ecuador

Pedro’s story