Upper Primary Skills for Life

The benefits of studying Upper Primary Skills for Life

Our Upper Primary Skills for Life course help children to develop the qualities they need to be healthy, happy and active participants in society. They will develop their emotional agility so they better understand, accept and can work through difficult emotions. They will also learn about the wider world, developing their citizenship skills encouraging them to care for their world and to reach their own full potential.

These courses also include regular mindfulness activities for young children. These activities are designed to develop the skill of focussing their awareness on the present moment.

The course will help your child to:

  • Develop a positive outlook and a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Develop resilience and perseverance skills
  • Work well as part of a team by developing their thinking and communication skills.
  • Understand ways to cope with anxiety and unhealthy relationships.
  • Develop their ability to be assertive in a positive and helpful way.
  • Develop their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Wolsey Hall Oxford is a registered school of Cambridge Assessment International Education

Wolsey Hall is a registered online Cambridge International School.

Wolsey Hall Oxford is a Pearson Edexcel approved centre

We offer a wide range of courses at Upper Primary level.

Key topics covered

Year 3
Who Am I?
My Body
My Future
Working Together

Year 4
Safety First
Online Safety
One World
Positive Thinking
Caring For Our World

Year 5 
Who Am I?
My Body
Looking After Money
My Future
Working Together

Year 6
Positive Thinking
People Who Are Special To Us
Online Safety
Our World
Safety First
Global Project

The syllabus and hours of study

  • Allow for up to 2 hours of study time per week for you and your child to complete each year of Upper Primary Skills for Life.

  • Your child should be able to complete each year of the course in 9 months.

Course samples

Course Fees

Thank you for a wonderful year of exciting and challenging studies! This year my daughter has become a more clever and responsible human being. The English course was so colourful and exciting with brilliant texts and clever grammar approach. Natalia has improved her punctuation so much!
Polish flag

Anna Dombek, Primary Homeschooling Parent


Our experience with Wolsey Hall Oxford has been excellent! Ella is thriving on her Primary homeschooling courses. She is enjoying the creativeness of the English programme and how it allows learning while bringing in her own interests such as a biography on her favourite author.
Irish flag

Bron Naude, Primary Homeschooling Parent


Thank you so much for your help this year. We have been very happy with the progress Roxanne has made. She has really grown in confidence. It’s hard to believe that when Roxanne started the course she had never written more than a paragraph in her own language, let alone English. Although the creative writing was a struggle to begin with she really took to this aspect of the course, encouraged by her Tutor’s comments. The time travelling allowed her to become an avid reader which helped her imagination blossom. We hope Roxanne will continue to write her stories.
French flag

Theresa McGrath – Primary Homeschooling Parent
